Amy Wants To Hold Your Hand
Amy is a game with zombies in it, but don't leave just yet. I know we're oversaturated with them, but that doesn't mean we should be jaded about every upcoming game that involves the shambling nonliving. It's still possible to use them in interesting ways and, for me at least, even just shooting them in the head isn't boring quite yet. Amy's doing something very different though. Set in an infected city of the near-future, it's a game about survival and companionship. It would be easy to describe what I've seen so far as urban Ico with zombies, so that's what I'm going to do. There's new footage below, with developer narration to describe how infection will destroy you and how it can be staved off. It's not the most whizzbang stuff but it's certainly piqued my interest.
Paul Cuisset, designer of Flashback, is heading up Vector Cell, the studio making the game. That's some pedigree right there. He also designed Fade to Black, the 3d sequel to Flashback which I always feel alone in having both completed and quite enjoyed.
Here's another trailer for you, which is more cinematic but less intelligible. Funny how often that's the case.