An Ode To The Unfinished?
Having watched Lego Star Wars creator John Smith get up in front of a thousand bemused Nordic game developers at a conference in Malmo a couple of years ago to sing a song about all the games he's failed to finish, I know I'm not the only person who feels bad about abandoning a couple of games each year. In fact, I quite often use a few quiet days over the Christmas holiday break to finish something I started in the year. All too often I have a bit of a play of something and then have to quickly move on to something I need to play for review, or otherwise spend more time with. That leaves a bunch of excellent games hanging. This year that's Starcraft II, whose multiplayer I have caressed lengthily, but whose single-player game I have left unloved in favour of Men of War's co-op delights. Christmas, for me, will be in real-time, and full of Terrans.
So, I'm certainly not alone... but what about you guys? Anything to finish?