An Unexpected Treatment: Dementium II Coming To PC
The DS doesn't seem like a particularly fitting home for first-person horror and that has nothing to do with the fact that Nintendo is the name on that particular domicile's lease. Controls, screen size and unsuitability for public play all seem as though they might make a handheld an unnatural home for unnatural happenings. Dementium II's decent combat and 'orrible noises did draw a smattering of applause from some corners though, and the story of madness and murder is considered an improvement over the original. Welcome and surprising news of a port reaches us this morning, and perhaps the mighty PCs and Macs of the world will provide better living quarters for the institutionalised terror. Trailer below.
Short and to the point. This is a game about sneaking up on people and startling them, only to realise that their general demeanour is even more startling than an unexpected tap on the shoulder. I doubt the game will look quite as dingily dapper as the trailer, unless a great deal of work has gone into updating every single asset, and there's no information yet as to what (if any) changes the port will bring. Apparently it'll be released in Fall.