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And Mulch More: Plants vs Zombies 2 Mere Months Away

Happy face: PopCap's Plants vs Zombies 2 will apparently arrive this Summer. I love PvZ. I want more PvZ.

Worried face: PopCap now belong to EA, who want to put microtransactions in everything they can. I'm crossing fingers, toes, unmentionables and internal organs that PvZ2 can somehow escape this disease and just be a lovely, complete little game of its own.

Release date news comes via an official press release, which sadly holds no detail on the as-yet unseen casual tower defence sequel beyond "Plants vs. Zombies 2, the sequel to the original blockbuster game, is slated to launch in early summer."

In addition to that is PvZ Adventures, a Facebook thing. I'm not going to lie and pretend I feel anything other than contempt for the prospect, but there's the summary anyway: "PvZ Adventures will present players with a wild and humorous series of “road-trips,” traveling near and far to thwart the zombie invasion in a variety of settings. Players will also be able to send hordes of zombies to their Facebook friends, a thoughtful gesture sure to be appreciated (and reciprocated). New zombie and plant types, new ways of obtaining, cultivating and deploying plant defenses, and leaderboards are among the other new features in PvZ Adventures."

Also, "We like to think we’re creating a brand new twist on the classic Plants vs. Zombies that is the most social, shareable and expansive Plants vs. Zombies experience ever.”

So yeah, it'll work in exactly the same waiting/fleecing/nagging way as every other shitting Facebook game under the sun, then. I'm sure it'll be quite pretty though. In fact, here's a screenshot:

N.B., if you're a lazy reader, that is Plants vs Zombies Adventures for Facebook, not Plants vs Zombies 2. They are different games. The cows in the field are far away.

Indeed, pretty. But from that screenshot alone I can count at least four different ways the game will try to persuade us to pay.

Why yes, I am in an absolutely foul mood today. Thanks for noticing.

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