Apocalypse Ow: Gungirl 2
She's a girl! She's got a gun! She's the second one of her! She's GunGirl 2! Yet more multi-year-development freeware splendidness here. Playing the eponymous GunGirl - or GunDude! - you go on a sizeable action platformer which marries a lot of the classic elements with a whole lot of zombie-based evisceration. Only had half an hour with it, but notable features include the RPG-esque system, a "levelling up" power system which rewards you for not bumping into enemies and a whole lot of polish. Only thing I'm not sure about how the amount of blood flying around can disguise zombies rising from the ground, leading to surprise deaths. Still, this is strong stuff. You can get it here, or watch the trailer below
[Who has spoke one of the ancient jokes? Who has summoned us forth? Who has-- oh, he's gone now. Toodles. - The Four Cyclists Of The Apocalypse]