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Apox Announcement And Beta Sign-up

BlueGiant Interactive, an indie studio apparently based in Hyderabad, India, send word of their debut game, Apox. It's a post-apocalyptic RTS with some fun features, such as unit posture, veterancy, and on-the-fly ad hoc stuff like being able to place different units in vehicles. With 32-players. Which sounds like a lot for an RTS. Yeah, it's looking like it might sit down the more offbeat end of the RTS spectrum, and it's got a lot of flamethrowers, as you can see in the debut video below. It's even going to ship with a map editor and 100 (count 'em!) maps. But that's not all, because they're also taking beta applications now. Go here if you're interested in that. And why wouldn't you be, if you are not John Walker?

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