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Arcen's Next Game Is Skyward Collapse

Chris Park has revealed that the next game from Arcen (AI War, A Valley Without Wind) will be called Skyward Collapse. So what is it? Well, "it's a turn-based 4x simulation god-game." He explains: "Set high in the sky atop a floating landmass that you are actively constructing as the game progresses, you oversee two warring factions (Greeks and Norse). Via solo play or co-op, you play as "The Creator," helping both sides of the conflict -- granting each side buildings, resources, and even new citizens." It's a game about balancing conflict, as Park writes: "your goal is to balance this conflict as best you can so that neither side gets wiped out. You win by having the most points generated (read: most carnage) without either side committing genocide."

There's a bunch more information through the link. They're aiming for a beta this month, with the first version of the game appearing in May.

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