Arise: A Simple Story brings life after death in December
Is rock climbing dangerous if you're already dead?
I love the subheading of Arise: A Simple Story. Nothing complicated going on here. Just a nice, straightforward tale about, let’s see, a man reliving his biggest memories after passing away. Surely there’s nothing intricate about that. Even if there is quite a bit of perilous rock climbing involved, as per the trailer you can see below.
You (or you and a pal) can control time in order to work your way through the memories of your life, which explains the lovely seasonal images. I know it’s the time of the year for everyone to be way into the lovely autumnal oranges of the birch trees, but I’m still here for the summer sun, thank you very much.
Not everything is a shift of a few months though, you can also rewind and fast forward just a little bit, or pause. It’s not really clear how this helps you to puzzle out your life’s obstacles from over here in the afterlife, but it is clear from the amount of times words like “emotional,” and “love and loss” appear that developers Piccolo are going to want you to feel things while you do it. And that soundtrack, by composer David García, who also did Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and Rime, will probably help them get their way.
“Every moment of this rollercoaster ride is a new challenge and a chance to see your life in a different light,” says the game’s store page. You know. Simple stuff.
Arise: A Simple Story is coming to the Epic Games Store on December the 3rd.