ASCII And Ye Shall Receive: 7 Day Roguelikes
If you play as many roguelikes as I do, peoples' email addresses begin to look like a vulnerable hero trapped in a corridor and surrounded by terrifying monsters. These most complex and cruel of dungeon crawlers may be destroying my ability to communicate electronically, particularly with anyone going by the name 'DoUgLAS', but my desire for them cannot be satiated. In the coming days, there will be an influx of new roguelikes, springing from the creative cauldron of the 7 Day Roguelike Challenge. Running from the 9th to the 17th of this month, it's a fairly self-explanatory event. Make a roguelike in 168 hours or die trying do what I do and wait 'til other people have done the hard work, then just play them.
If you're planning to make a roguelike, let us know about it in the comments below. If not, while you're waiting for the results, why not play with some of my personal highlights from last years challenge?