Attention Citizens: RPS Social Club Convenes Tomorrow
Friday night lights
The monthly RPS Social ClubRPS Social Club meetup will take place at The Blue Posts this weekend, as tradition dictates, but the gathering will be tomorrow night rather than Saturday. If you are in London or a nearby county, this would be a fine way to avoid the hurly-burly of Christmas shopping and to shelter from winter's bite. The meeting is scheduled to begin at eight but if you're anything like me, you'll pop onto the forums and arrange to meet before that for a nip of brandy. The Blue Posts is located on Rupert Street, near to Chinatown and Leicester Square, as shown on the map in the link above.
Now, people of Manchester and thereabouts, join me below. The rest of you stay out.
Right, now that it's just me, you and Morrissey, let's talk about a Manchester meet-up. I haven't organised one for around a year but when I'm reminded that the London crowd manage a monthly gathering, I feel like we're letting the side down.
I'm considering Saturday the 14th December, since there's a Ludum Dare jam happening that weekend and we should be able to attract a few jammers by leaving some mulled wine in the doorway.