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Avatars, Yes?

Possibly. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. But you'll notice most guys in comments now have a mysterious silhouette next to their message, while the clever ones have a clever picture up. If their picture is of boobies, it won't be for long, trust me.

Anyhoo, either click on one of those or click here and you'll be taken to Gravatar, where you can upload your pic. First you'll need to create an account using the email address you enter when you leave a comment here, but it's very quick and non-intrusive. The email address must be all lower-case, so you may need to switch to another address for commenting here if you currently use a sIlLy l33T handle or something.

Images should be 50x50 max (though Gravatar seems to explode images of that size into 80x80, so I'm a bit confused at the moment), and safe for innocent eyes - you'll be asked to age-rate it when you upload, and when you do select 'PG.' If you upload a picture of a distended rectum and still label it PG so that it shows up here, you can rest assured we'll keep deleting your comments until you grow up.

In some cases there's a wait before your avatar shows up, so patience, laddie. If you just want to check that your avatar's working, you can always simply look at a previous comment you've posted, rather than adding a 'testing...' one to the boring mountain of 'em already in this thread, though it's understandable if you're not sure where you last commented. Definitely don't follow up a test comment with another one if the first doesn't work though, because that's just annoying and makes it harder for us to check for real problems - just hit refresh once you've made your Gravatar change. The avatars work retrospectively too, y'see.

Other than that, go get 'em. Mine's working, look:

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