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Awake Into Dreams: TRIP

I could have sworn I'd already mentioned TRIP, which seems like what would happen if gentle, musical exploration game Proteus poured hallucinogenics all over its cereal in the morning and shovelled the whole lot into its mouth using a delicate crystalline spoon carved out of frozen absinthe. 'ART GAME', says the trailer in brightly coloured letters that desire to be taller than buildings, before proceeding to show various creatures slowly jiving in luridly lucid landscapes. Maybe I dreamt that I wrote about it or nearly wrote about it but assumed I shouldn't as it had been a dream rather than a PC game. Or I just misplaced a tag or two. It's out now, on PC and Mac, priced at £7.29. Launch trailer below, impressions when I've formed them.

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Maybe a TRIP is a Journey without other people along for the ride and with hallucinations instead of sand?

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