Aye! Before E: Pirate Princess
I'm quite a fan of Moonpod's games - Gametunnel's game of the year from way back Starscape and inspired Head-over-heels/Final-Fantasy/System Shock riff Mr Robot - so I was surprised to see that they'd released a new game late last year and I hadn't heard about it. It's called Pirate Princess, and is basically a piratically-themed cross between Puzzle Quest and Bookworm Adventures. Quest, upgrade skills, get in duels, etc. Having had a quick play, it's a great idea, but lacks the slickness of their previous games with the various UI choices driving Walker to distraction (e.g. tiny letter grids to select, easy-to-misread-font, etc). Still - you can get the demo here and see for yourself. Also! Footage follows! On Youtube! Or - ahahahahah - Yohohotube!
("Yohohotube" doesn't work at all, Kieron - Ed)