Battleborn's First Free Character Coming This Month
Some sort of waterwoman
Battleborn [official site] will get its first free extra character later this month, Gearbox have announced. More specifically, Alani will arrive on Tuesday, May 24th for folks who've bought the DLC season pass, then May 31st for everyone else. Pip didn't really like Battleborn but if you're still playing then hey, I guess you do. You're probably quite keen to soon have some sort of healy warriory waterwoman to play as. Wouldn't turn down a double XP weekend either.
You want lore? I'll flipping well give you lore:
"Alani is a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani's attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn."
She'll cost 47,500 in-game credits to unlock to unlock, or some folks will have a way to instantly unlock her. As today's announcement explains:
"Starting with the release of Alani, Digital Deluxe and Season Pass holders will receive one Hero Key to instantly unlock ANY hero in the game with each new hero release. To use a key, just head to the Battleborn Character screen in the Command Center and choose the character you want to unlock. You can also use these keys to instantly unlock newly released heroes like Alani, saving you the time it would otherwise take to earn enough credits to do that.
"Here's even more good news: Hero Keys are reusable! If you complete the challenge objective or reach the required Command Rank at any time after unlocking a hero using a Hero Key, then that Hero Key will be returned to you and you can then use that Hero Key to unlock another hero."
And hey, a double XP weekend is coming before then. From this Friday at 8am PDT (4pm UK time) through to 8am PDT next Wednesday, Battleborn will dole out double Command Rank and Character Rank experience in all Story Mode missions and Competitive Multiplayer matches.
[Disclosure: I always forget that someone I used to work with worked on Battleborn.]