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Battleswarm: Field of Honor, Bushnell's Revenge

Nolan Bushnell, the Old Man Of The Mountain Of Videogames, whom we saw chat to a crowd in London recently, has put his name to a new, free TPS/FPS/RTS hybrid game: Battleswarm: Field of Honor. I know! Here's the lowdown: "Battleswarm allows up to six players to take control of soldiers in team-based, first- or third-person shooter mode, arming themselves from a huge arsenal of high-tech weapons and armor. They compete in discrete missions versus up to four Alien Commanders, who control hundreds of bug-like units in real-time strategy mode. The Alien Commanders must build hives, breed units, and manage their forces in missions to overwhelm the human opponents. Players can create guilds, buy and sell items, and level up their characters." The game has a rather strong Starship Trooper vibe, with armoured space-types fighting large, insectile bugs. You can check it out in the rather poor-quality trailer below. But we can better than that: the beta is already in progress, so you can go sign up. I'll have a crack at it later and see if I can come up with some useful impressions.

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