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Beat Control System: Beat Hazard

Quite a lot of you have been enjoying this, so I thought I'd have a quick crack. While originating on the not-PCs, Beat Hazard appeared on Steam recently. It's basically a Robotron-esque (i.e. Geometry Wars) single-screen shooter with the Audiosurf-esque twist that each level is generated from a sound-file, with neat elements like how the music actually has a visible effect on your firepower's intensity. And the graphics are intense - even on normal, you can easily work towards Space-Giraffe-esque overload with the right tracks. I wasn't quite sure the actual syncing was that notable, until I dropped the Bad Seed's cover of Black Betty onto it, which nailed it. My other reservation is that at least on my PC, the changing of directories is far slower than I'd be used to on a browser. While there's no demo, it's a fiver at the moment so very much in that impulse purchase area. And - er -a trailer follows.

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I'm sorry. Brain failing. Need to eat something.

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