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Betastar Galactica

That being the official Battlestar Galactica MMO, rather than the spangly space-shooter we posted about last week. BSG Online is a free to play browser thingy created by Bigpoint, a German firm who've made a mountain of cash making a slew of browser MMOs in the past. I suspect standard behaviour from many quarters is to sneer at the very concept of free to play and browser-based, but I get the sense there's quite a lot of money/effort going into this one. That doesn't mean it'll necessarily be the BSG game we're crying out for, of course, but it also doesn't mean this'll be a shoddy cash grab either. One way to find out: sign yourself up to yonder beta. Closed at the moment, but taking on new sign ups all the time, and due to go open in December. Go!

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