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BioWare Goose Cam: Mass Eggfect

I like my geese like I like my coffee: under surveillance as they reproduce to the soundtracks of popular videogames.

Fortunately for me, BioWare have put a goose under surveillance as she incubates her eggs atop the developer's Edmonton studio and are livestreaming the whole thing. The header image is from the official Dragon Age Keep account which has been reimagining the geese as BioWare characters.

The pair have been named Ganders (that's the female) and the Arishonk (that's the male) - hey, it's the games industry, you do not pass up a good pun. The intention is to monitor the nest while it's in use, keeping an eye on the parents and the (fingers crossed) little goslings.

Watch on YouTube

"How many eggs did Ganders lay? When will they hatch? Do geese like Mass Effect? From 1-10, how cute is a baby goose? To satisfy our desperate need to answer these questions, we’ve set up the BioWare Goose Cam, which will monitor Ganders 24/7 as she tends to her nest. We hope you watch it too."

I think this is my favourite BioWare game to date, although obviously it would be improved by a planetary mining minigame. No shade. I freaking loved mining planets for minerals.

The livestream also encourages curious viewers to donate to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton, an organisation which helps care for injured and orphaned wildlife.

It is nighttime as I'm writing this so I am watching a black screen. There was far more visible goose last night. CURSE THIS TIME DIFFERENCE. At least I get to listen to bangin' BioWare game soundtrack choons as I work.

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