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Catnap Over: Blade Kitten Ep 2 Released After Four Years

Weird news

The second episode of a mostly-forgotten episodic game being released over four years after it was nearly finished, and after its makers mostly closed, is the sort of weird game news that makes me trill "Ooh! Weird!" So: Blade Kitten [official site] Episode 2 came out yesterday. Ooh! Weird!

"Episode 2 was nearly completed 9 months ago then was put on indefinite hold because Atari didn't want to publish it," developers Krome Studios explained way back in July 2011. "We are looking at other avenues to release Episode 2." It took them a while.

Episode 2 continues from the punchy platformer's cliffhanger ending, so let's all pause for a moment of sympathy for everyone who's been left hanging since 2010. If you're wondering what's been going on, its description brings the most video games sentence I've read in months: "Kit has been staying with the Terra-Li and the Squamatans at Ytiralop for the last three months." Classic. It also has new costumes, as I understand dressing up is any catgirl's favourite activity.

It seems Krome ended up simply waiting for publishers Atari's rights to expire so they could release it themselves. In February 2014 they received a symbolic USB stick from Atari with all the Blade Kitten assets. While the game found a lukewarm reception, being based on an ongoing webcomic means it seems to still have a far larger fanbase than I'd expected.

The DLC is on Steam now for £3.59/$4.49, 10% cheaper thanks to a launch discount. Trailer:

Watch on YouTube

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