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Blizzard Deny World Boll's Next Movie

Devastating news to start the week. There will never be a Uwe Boll movie set in the World of Warcraft universe. MTV spoke to the modern day Eisenstein and learned of this new tragedy. Boll told them,

"I got in contact with Paul Sams of Blizzard, and he said, 'We will not sell the movie rights, not to you… especially not to you.' Because it’s such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it."

It is a most peculiar comment, at once appearing to imply that he was intending to make a bad movie, and further that he thinks his movies are so very awful that they have the capability to hinder the WoW crazytrain. But Boll may be hurting. Not only has the online petition begging him to stop making films now received over 200,000 signatures, but the implication that he's anything less than Welles meets Bergman meets, er, Michael Bay has got him very riled indeed. Take a look:

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Only 800,000 to go.

Via CVG.

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