Even though no-one plays games with a keyboard and mouse anymore, Blizzard's annual fan-con somehow attracts huge crowds and helps the Activision-owned developer to earn All The Money from PC games. They've just announced the 2013 (and seventh annual) Blizzcon, due this November in Anaheim, California, the United States of America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, origin of sausage and chocolate chip pancake on a stick. What will be there? VIDEOGAMES.
Heart of the Swarm is the next big Blizzdeal we know about, but it's far from beyond the pale that we could see a big announcement just before Level 90 Elite Tauren Chieftain take to the stage. I'm going to just straight-up make up some numbers jsut for the hell of it, cos I is top fact-checkin' journamalizts!
A Diablo III expansion, starring another of Diablo's bros - 56546546546456546:1312312323423
A World of Warcraft expansion, promising to CHANGE EVERYTHING, raising the level cap and not being about pandas - 7:9
The mysterious Project Titan - 0:0
First trailer for the third StarCraft II game - maybe:maybe
Something about e-sports - 1:1
Blizzard All Stars: 45:41
All that's been officially shared in the following con-typical fare:
- Hands-on play time with the latest versions of Blizzard Entertainment games
- Global finals for Blizzard eSports, featuring top pro gamers from around the world
- In-depth discussion panels with Blizzard game developers and artists
- Competitive and casual tournaments for players to showcase their talents
- Community contests with great prizes
- Commemorative merchandise based on Blizzard Entertainment’s game universes
- More activities and attractions to be announced
It's possible there'll be no announcements, of course, as the company has three going concerns as it is right now, but it's fairly unlike them to only have one known title on the horizon (not counting the third SC2 there, admittedly).
They're yet to open up ticket sales for the event, so if you're interested in attending all you can do for now is keep Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9 clear in that calendar of yours.