Blue Estate Is A Motional Fringe Game
Hand gestures abound
Blue Estate is a "dark comedy shooter" (but aren't they all, in a way?) based on the comic, and designed to show off the Leap Motion controller. Leap Motion, in case you aren't familiar with it, is a hand-tracking system, not unlike the good ol' Kinect. Anyway, what's interesting about Blue Estate is that you play Tony Luciano, a gangster with a black mop of greasy hair, and that hair occasionally flops in front of your face. Which suggests you must need to brush back your fringe with hand motions in the game? The trailer and other promotional clutter doesn't make that requirement clear, but surely it MUST be the case. And if not WHY NOT.
It's not clear when this is getting a release, but presumably it's free with Leap Motion. Leap Motions are available now and cost $80.