Bolt Riley Is A Reggae Adventure Game, Kickstartering
Polite boys
Here's an interesting team-up. Corey and Lori Cole, the impossibly named couple behind the wonderful Quest For Glory games, and Israeli studio Adventure Mob. They're looking to make a classic-style graphic adventure, about a chap called Bolt Riley, and his attempt to become the greatest Reggae star of them all. It's been in development for about a year, and now they're on Kickstarter looking for $120k.
Themed around and about reggae music, they're looking to make the money to, well, add the reggae music. And voice actors, and get the whole project completed. Clearly this is primarily the project of Adventure Mob, with the Coles focused on Hero-U, but the veteran pair designed Bolt Riley's second chapter, and seem to be generally collaborating.
There are to be three chapters to it, each stand-alone, and the first already in a playable alpha. The initial funding goal secures the release of chapter 1, but the front page gets a little ambiguous over what ensures we see chapters 2 and 3 - something they might want to be more clear about, since they're hanging their Kickstarter on the Coles' involvement. There's more detail about that in a recent update:
A copy of the final game comes with the $15 level, although there are still earlybird $12 versions available.