Brothers In Arms Launch Trailer
Beneath the cut is the launch trailer for Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway, which shows some of the game's Unreal 3.0 prettiness, although of course none of the solid level design and splendid tactical puzzle-solving that actually makes it so satisfying to play. I can say that with a level of certainty because I've had lots of time to play the preview version of the game, and I suspect it's a better campaign that anything else so far. One thing that's probably worth mentioning at this stage is that it doesn't have co-op, as was reported earlier in the year. A little disappointing, perhaps, especially when the co-op skirmishes in Earned In Blood were so solid. The game is out on PC in North America on the 30th of September, and in Europe on the 3rd of October.
For a better look at how the game actually plays, head over to this collection of videos on Eurogamer.