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Built To Spill: Crashtastic

Vehicles that look like scaffolding on wheels are doomed to fail. Drop them on an obstacle course, no matter how simple, and they're likely to struggle with simple concepts such as 'moving in a straight line without toppling over like a giraffe wearing roller skates'. That's why it's sensible to attach rockets to them so that they can at least collapse in a glorious heap, spindly segments shattering and pirouetting through the air. That's the vehicle, obviously - don't do that to a giraffe, or a vehicle in fact. People would get hurt and/or cross. Crashtastic allows you to construct pretend vehicles and put them through their paces destroy them. Preorder to receive immediate alpha access.

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Is it wrong that I want the same game but with genetically modified creatures? Yeah. It almost definitely is.

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