Call Of Duty 2016 Confirmed, Infinity Ward Really Proud Of Office Signage
More duty calls
Gosh! Is it time for the annual "Activision have confirmed Call of Duty [official site] still exists and is still getting its annual instalment" post already? But it was only just Christmas! Where does the time go?
Anyhoodle: Activision have confirmed Infinity Ward are working on Call of Duty 2016 and it will be released in Q4 (it's usually during the first half of November if you haven't been keeping track).
Infinity Ward then confirmed the announcement in a tweet:
I like this tweet because to me it reads like Infinity Ward have been working really hard to develop a sign of their own name.
I guess they will have to get a wriggle on if they want to meet that Q4 deadline and all they've got to show so far is a sign with their own name on it.
So! Let's have a think. Infinity Ward is the studio which released the original Call of Duty. More recently they offered up the Modern Warfare sub-franchise and then Ghosts. Here are some predictions for CoD 2016 fresh from the RPS chatroom:
Pip: Call of Duty: Postmodern Warfare (need to check this wasn't actually Blops 3)
Alice: Call of Duty: Blackpool Ops (the scene where you zipline down the Tower on a string of Christmas lights...)
Adam: I'm still not sure whether Black Ops 3 was about the whole of modern Call of Duty being a dream or virtual reality or the memories of a dead soldier. I think all future CoD campaigns should end by making me feel confused and slightly angry though. "You were dead the whole time. Also, war may not be the best." "Here is a booster for the deathmatch mode"
One of us must be right.