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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 announced, due October 12th

CODBLOPS is back, baby

Surprising absolutely nobody, Call of Duty is getting another game this year, and as per Activision's alternating annual release schedule, we're headed back to the Black Ops side-series.

It's been too long since we've had a chance to use the most accursed of abbreviations, but Cod Blops is back, and possibly now the even more absurd Cod Blops IIII thanks thanks to the series apparently abandoning proper usage of Roman numerals.

The official announcement also confirms that Treyarch are back in the driver's seat for this one. After finding myself very pleasantly surprised by their previous Blops title, I'm eager to see what they've got planned.

This being an Activision mega-franchise, it's no surprise to see that they've got all the dates worked out already. The official unveiling of the game is scheduled for May 17th, and it'll be available on store shelves (both physical and digital) on October 12th.

Beyond that, they've not released much in the way of details. Personally, I'm hoping that they return to the cyberpunk setting of Black Ops 3, although I'd not be surprised if they went historical this time, matching up with the World War 2 setting of the latest mainline entry.

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