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Casually Slashing: Kivi's Underworld Demo

We've been following streamlined hack-n-slash Kivi's Underworld since it was first announced, through into beta, and then... Well, like the brain-free wrongminds we so often are, we forgot to tell you when it launched its demo. Fortunately we're making up for all that now, as a revised demo has been released, and we're posting about it right now.

There's a megaton of stuff in the demo, with the first six chapters, and six unlockable characters, which is a good few hours of free play. From Soldak Entertainment, who made the lovely Depths of Peril, it describes itself as a "casual hack and slash". Keepings things as simple as possible, there's no inventory, no armour, no weapons, but instead just a great deal of hitting things and throwing magic. A micro-inventory lets you carry up to three power-ups, which offer temporary bonuses or boosts, and beyond spending skill points that's as complicated as it gets. And it remains tremendous fun. You can buy the full game from Soldak.

My suggestion: play it in window mode, leave it running in the background, and then have bursts of play whenever the mood takes you. For instance, I started this short post an hour and a half ago.

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