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Ollie Toms is now guides editor, farewell to James Law, and how you can join RPS

It's all change in guides town

Our guides team is changing. Ollie Toms is stepping up to become guides editor, after two years of writing some of the best game guides in the industry. He's filling the role left vacant by Jake Green, who hopped onto RPS after USG's closure last year and has now departed for pastures new. And James Law, who similarly joined RPS last year, is likewise leaving for some new adventures.

That means we're now hiring for two new guides writers. Come, congratulate Ollie, sing farewell to James, and find out where you can apply to work for RPS.

Ollie's work as guides writer has been first rate since he joined in 2018. If you want to get good at online shooters like Apex Legends, make Minecraft look at its best, or refine your factories in Factorio, he's the person to come to. I'm thrilled that he'll be able to apply his eye for detail across the entire guides section in future.

We've only been a way station for James, by comparison, but he's still contributed greatly to the site in his short time here. His Warzone guides are the best around, he perfectly executed our Hitman 3 guides, and everyone at RPS will miss hearing about his jam-making exploits. (You can buy some from his OnlyJams store.)

James' departure and Ollie's promotion mean we're now hiring two new guides writers to join the team. You can find more details and apply here, but the gist is that it's a salaried, full-time role for a relative newcomer based either in Brighton or remotely within the UK. Make sure to include some links to writing samples. If you want to help people get better and have more fun with games, then we want to hear from you.

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