Mighty Morphin' Management: Chroma Squad Released
Power up!
Siblings aren't all that useful, I've found, but younger ones do give an excuse to watch television shows you feel a pressure to be far too mature and sophisticated to enjoy. Say, Power Rangers.
I'm excited to see the launch of Chroma Squad [official site], a tactical fightin', business managin', sim-o-RPG about running a mighty morphin' super sentai show and fighting through its episodes. Excited for my sibling's sake, that is. Maybe they might like a copy for their birthday, you know. Not me. I'm big now. I can buy alcohol and go on all the rollercoasters.
Chroma Squad sees five actors quit their jobs to set up their own super sentai television show. On the management side, you need to hire actors, arrange sets, buy props, and make your own shoddy mecha for the final showdowns. And then you record episodes by fighting through them in turn-based tactical combat, powering up with new abilities, weapons, and so on as you go.
As recording episodes is sort of setting your own goal, I'm reminded a bit of Hand of Fate, another game where you craft a situation you'll need to fight through. These are nice ideas.
Chroma Squad is out now on GOG DRM-free for $14.99 (£10-ish), £10.99 on Steam, or from the game's site for $15 both DRM-free and with a Steam key. It's on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
It's launch trailerin' time!