Circular Logic: Demon Dodger Circa Infinity
Circles of hell
Yesterday I got sent a build of puzzle jumper Circa Infinity [official site] by developer Kenny Sun. This morning I made it to the second zone after punching a boss demon in the chin and giggled when I saw how the challenge had changed so I thought I'd share some info with you.
Circa Infinity has you running and jumping inside and outside the edge of a series of circles as you try to avoid gargoyles and demons. The idea is to jump to a ball orbitting the centre of the circle which then expands to become the next circle. It's probably easier to grasp if you watch a video:
In some ways it's like playing a stylish TV credit sequence version inspird by Dante's Inferno (except the numbers don't quite add up and Dante took a different approach to boss fights).
Sun's popped Circa Infinity on Greenlight (hence it arriving in my inbox) but, of more immediate interest to you guys, he's also planning to put out a demo with the first few levels on 30 April.