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Cliffski Shows Us The Games

Cliff "Positech" Harris, the man who is currently finishing off the campaign parts of Gratuitous Space Battles, has been busy with a side project: wrangling independent developers.They now have a new indie portal called Show Me The Games. It's supposed to be a collection of some of the best indie games on the PC, and includes some that you might recognise. Cliff explains:

SMTG is a crazy plan to try and prove that indie game developers, despite theoretically being in competition, can come together as a group, throw some money in an 'advertising' bucket, and help promote each others games. It's true that getting indie developers to organise together is like herding cats, but I've owned 4 cats over my life, so I'm not scared. Using the amazing nasa-like technology of random numbers, the SMTG site randomises the games listing so nobody gets 'top slot'. This simple listing of games is hopefully just the start, there may well be competitions, discount bundles or all kinds of stuff happening on SMTG in the future. The main point is that we now have a fixed location to host that kind of thing.

Go take a look.

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