Comments: Confusing But Tiny Changes
You may have noticed we've introduced a CAPTCHA check into our comments. You may hate it. WELL IT HATES YOU TOO. But seriously - it's only four characters, and it's not one of those bastard illegible ones. It is indeed necessary, because we've been drawing in a frightening amount of spam lately - basically, it's either this or you spend your time here reading about how to get herbal viagra and Ugg boots on the cheap. Deleting that stuff has become beyond tiresome.
Also! You can avoid the Captcha by registering. We have no particular reason for wanting you to do this, but it does make life easier for you. As does the new login button at the toppermost right of RPS...
It's free, we won't send you any messages or sell your email address to organ farmers, and it only takes a minute. It also gets you a forum login, and should allow you to edit your comments too (we're trying to fix that properly, but there's some enormous incomatibility between the editing plugin and our template). And, of course, you'll be an inspecific part of the big, happy RPS family.