Feature Why real-time idle adventure games have "radical potential" The developers of The Longing and Time Bandit on temporal experiences in their weird, cool games Feb. 24, 2023 Nic Reuben 29 comments
Feature The real beauty of secrets in games like The Longing is to share them Longing for answers June 10, 2020 Henry Ewins 5 comments
Feature I have finished the sad tamogotchi game that is The Longing The last, long wait April 2, 2020 Alice Bell 16 comments
Feature The deep darkness of caves and mushrooms in The Longing Not mushroom to breathe March 12, 2020 Alice Bell 6 comments
News The Longing released today, inviting you to wait 400 days to escape a cave Long for The Longing no longer March 5, 2020 Imogen Beckhelling 8 comments
Feature Making strange friends and tripping on mushrooms in The Longing Going underground Feb. 13, 2020 Alice Bell 9 comments
Feature The first week of The Longing: depressing royalist art and talking walls Click to very slowly move Jan. 13, 2020 Alice Bell 17 comments
Feature Gamescom's best of the rest: the coolest indies round up Throw your hands up at me Sept. 5, 2019 Alice Bell 18 comments