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A flashing IM tab appears on my taskbar. I open it to discover the message: "Seriously, have a play of this." It's a link for Counterclockwise - a Knot in 3D remake. My correspondent is correct. I should play this. I do. It's awesome.

Knot In 3D was Tron lightcycles in 3D, as coded for the ZX Spectrum back in the pixellated mists of time. Counterclockwise remakes the idea with your cycle flying around in a looped 3D space taking on a rival chaser (you can only go so far before coming back on yourself) and your own trail. The space rapidly fills up, and you you have a smartbomb and lasers to clear yourself a path - there's only limited ammo though, so you'll need to do tricks and combos to keep your resources up.

I don't think I need to say more other than to stress that it's really good. Play it.

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