CrimeCraft Footage, Dev Speak
The other PC-based MMOFPS (or is it a PWNS?) at E3 was CrimeCraft. It's operating along rather similar lines to APB: a gang-based theme, with guns, hip hop stylings, and ongoing RPG elements. Sadly there's no open world combat, because the game is driven by story-led PvP and PvE in instanced missions. Despite being "massive" and being powered by the Unreal 3 engine, the footage here seems a little uninspiring, with sub-Gears of War combat and dreary environments. If it can't offers ome of APB's living world dynamism it seems unlikely to be the MMOFPS of the next couple of years. That's not to say it won't be a success, because I think gamers are more than ready for some hybrid games in the MMO vein. Anything with guns and persistent characters is going to get a fair shake. CrimeCraft is already offering beta signups, so that might be worth a look.