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TUXFACE: CryEngine Adds Linux Support


The mythical 'Year of the Linux Desktop' never arrived as explosively as many predicted (surprise surprise) but the open-source operating system (don't even start, pedants - it's been a long week and I will tear your windpipe out with my own gnarled hands) has steadily become a fairly attractive alternative to Windows. Games were always a big problem, but look at us today: most major game engines run on Linux, and Valve have made a dedicated gaming OS out of it.

You can now add CryEngine to your list of Linux Game Things, as Linux support arrived in its latest update. Crytek also added native Oculus Rift support.

CryEngine 3.8.1 brings OpenGL support, which also lets it have native Linux support. For games, anyway. If you're making a CryEngine game yourself (which you might be, for all I know, now it only costs $10 per month), you'll still need to rely on Windows for the Sandbox Editor.

I wonder if many folks will release Linux versions of their old CryEngine games.

The latest version of CryEngine also brings support for Oculus Rift cybergoggles, voxel-based volumetric fog (no way!), 8-weight GPU vertex skinning (double no way!), POM self-shadowing (cowabunga!), and other things that might excite techy folk.

Mark my mocking words: 2016 will be The Year of the Linux VR Desktop.

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