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Cut Copy: Duplicator

Browser puzzler Duplicator has a simple concept. You're a sort of man, or maybe just a thing, with no eyes and no face and you're looking for your cat, and your house is all black and white (except the bits which aren't) and you can duplicate parts of your environment, or even yourself. See? Simple. There's a pleasingly sinister atmosphere to the whole thing, it doesn't take long to finish and by the end the puzzles get quite devious. Go play, or watch a trailer after the jump. Indie? A game? Quite good? It could only have come from the miraculous Indie Games Blog.

I get the sense that there's more mileage in this idea than Duplicator ever manages, but the fact that it left me mulling over the concept's storytelling and puzzling possibilities is an achievement in itself. Besides, the music's great. Except in this trailer. The music's not so great in the trailer. It's a bit like watching a platformer directed by James Cameron.

Man! I wonder what a platformer conceived and produced by James Cameron would be like? Answers on a postcard, readers*.

Watch on YouTube

* "Shit" is not an answer.

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