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Cycle Of Life: Trials Evolution Evolves A Demo

When one of the finest PC releases of 2013 is a side-scrolling motorbike game - Trials Evolution: Gold Edition - I can understand that some who've not played the Trials games before might be confused by concept. Fortunately there's now no excuse for not having a play of this ridiculously fun game, as at last there's a demo.

While there were some disappointing porting issues for the PC version, and there's certainly the rather significant issue of its being awkwardly entwined in UPlay's nonsense, the game is such unbridled fun that it's all worthwhile. As you'll likely find out if you get hold of the demo via Steam.

Seemingly to commemorate the occasion of releasing a demo about two months late, as of tomorrow until next Monday they're lowering the price to £12. It's really worth it, I swear. But take a look at the demo first to see if you consider me a fool.

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