Da Doo Tron Ron: Sp.A.I
As everyone clever knows, 2003's Tron 2.0 was an imperfect shooter stuffed to the neon gills with thoughtful design - both thematically and visually. As current shooters hunt for ever-more shades of brown, it is only proper to hang our heads and think of where we might be today had Tron 2.0 taken off.
We'll never know. But we can at least play free Unreal 3-based hacking/shooting game Sp.A.I.
Deemed a third-person puzzler, it's a jumpy-shooty-logicky affair that can lean towards the fiddlesome but largely rewards thoughtful gamers. While the jump physics/animations are currently on the punishing side, it's lovely to look at and frequently ingenious. Made by 5 students as a third-year project, it's a testament to how much sense of gloss and solidity a semi-abstract art approach can lend to a game with a meagre budget.
It deserves tighter controls, but you should totally take a look: not to mention marvel at the fact that Epic now gives away its latest engine for free to non-commercial projects like this.