Dammit: WoW Hits 12 Million Active Subs
Today Blizzard announced a new milestone for World of Warcraft. 12 million active subs. If you thought that number had stopped growing, that's because it had. It'd been holding steady at 11.5 million ever since December 2008. Looks like Cataclysm has given it a shot in the arm.
I know this is evidence of the PC's importance as a gaming platform and all, but my God, every time Blizzard announce record WoW subscribers it feels like they're beating up my soul with a sock full of pennies.
Not a month goes by without some great, brave game dropping its developers into hot water by failing to sell enough, and now we have twelve million PC gamers choosing to pay for World of Warcraft twelve times a year? Have you played World of Warcraft recently? Have you seen all the engine hacks the quest designers have been implementing recently to keep quests interesting, no matter the cost to immersion? Sod it. Maybe I should just embrace it.
Look! Here's video of the dancing competition from Blizzcon '10. It's funny because they're aping their characters' dancing animations! Ah.