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DCS: P-51D Mustang Sallies Forth

In a previous life, I attempted to play a flight sim. I've always wanted to be good at them, but with an ever-increasing flighty fidelity in modern sims, that dream is soaring away into the clouds. So while I'm excited about Eagle Dynamics's newly announced DCS: P-51D Mustang, it's tinged with melancholy that I'll never be able to fly like a Mustang.

Tim Stone speculated that Eagle Dynamics would deliver the legendary WW2 fighter as part of a Flying Legends series, so he'll be pleased that the long-range escort fighter will be arriving sometime in 2012.

It'll also help solve that age-old pub fight: 'What's better? The Ka-50 Black Shark, the A-10C Warthog, or the P-51D Mustang?' as the multiplayer with be compatible with DCS's previous sims. I love that games are able to take history and scrunch it up in a tight little ball like that.

Apropos of nothing: 'Mustang' is such a cool word that I'm now adding it to my list of potential baby and/or kitten names (along with 'Fistbump, 'Impossible', and 'Double-Rainbow').

Via Blues News.

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