"Blood To The Sexy": Deck 13's Blood Knights Revealed
Blood Knights! They're like normal knights, but much blooder. That's (I am guessing) the design philosophy behind freshly announced action-slasher Blood Knights, which is being cooked up by Jack Keane devs Deck 13. They explain that their game is "a full blooded Vampire-Action-RPG that features intense combat, tons of weapons, items as well as vampiric abilities that put players in total control over their enemies and let them feel the powers that vampires wield in the Blood Knights universe." Not only that but it even "features a plot focusing on Jeremy, a vampire hunter who was viciously attacked and bitten during on one of his dangerous missions and is now bound by blood to the sexy, but mysterious, 'vampiress', Alysa." Sexy! Jeremy!
You can see more sexy and Jeremy, below. Mm.
I feel that the art-direction of this game needs to seek other reference materials.
It's being released "this summer", so I guess next month, then.