Development Shell: Gratuitous Tank Battles
If there's one thing better than tanks fighting it out, it's tanks fighting it out for no reason other than because they are tanks. Let Tanks Be Tanks should be the subtitle of Cliffski's RTS, Gratuitous Tank Battles. Followed by three exclamation, because nothing says gratuitous than '!!!'. Even the sound in this video is gratuitous: Cliffski has recorded 7 minutes of the game playing, showing off his development tools that he's choreographing the tank violence with. Unfortunately, the tanks are so loud that he had to set his mic up to compensate. This set off a tit-for-tat response with the game that ended up with his mic being declared a war crime. It's loud, people.
Turn everything down unless you want to end up in the Hague. I've spent the night in the cells there, after drunkenly invading Albania. It's not fun. But this video is fun. I love frame-by-frame distortion effects.