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Devil's Haircut: Sam & Max Demo. Also, Hats

The new season of Sam & Max has started with an episode whose title I can't write, else my inner-12 year old takes over and the rest of the post is just me sniggering. To lure you in, there's a playable demo available for the PC and the other PC. If you want to play more, you have to buy the whole season, which gets the episodes shipped to you monthly. But where to buy? Well, two options. Get it from Telltale's shop and you get the collector's edition DVD shipped to you when the season is complete. Buy it from Steam before April 23rd and you get some Team Fortress 2 items, as worn by our two models above. But if you pre-ordered it already from Telltale, you can unlock your hats here. So get it from Telltale, I guess. Anyway - the trailer for the first episode follows...

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I'd do a "Hehehehehehehe. He said Penal" gag here, except he didn't.

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