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DICE: PC Dying? Crazy!

While you can bathe in the delights of our very own (sort of) interview with DICE, regarding the forthcoming Battlefield Heroes, Gamasutra have one of their very own, and it reveals some interesting commentary about the PC from EA.

There's a sensible position put across by senior producer Ben Cousins, referencing Raph Koster's belief that "consoles are a niche market."

"If you look at the amount of PCs that are out there, we're talking hundreds and hundreds of millions; if you look at the amount of PS3s and 360s, we're talking tens of millions, barely. So, absolutely, people think that the PC is dying, but that's a crazy idea."

But the facts are, cross-platform action games are selling far better on consoles than on PC. So Gamastura ask Cousins whether the role of the PC in the future is to be about online.

"I think we're going to continue to see high-end packaged good games on the PC. But I think they're going to, as you say, have an element of connectivity; they're going to have an element of persistence which you need to be connected online to do; and they're going to be, probably, more multiplayer focused."

Read the rest of the very business-orientated interview here. And tell us what you see as the future of the PC's role in gaming below.

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