Dig Dug vs Eve vs Descent = Miner Wars
A space MMO based on the concept of destructible asteroids? Yes, it's one of those offbeat ideas that might just work. Developers Keen Software dropped us a line to announce the game, Miner Wars, and explained that it was a "space shooter played in a fully destructible environment and is a combination of single player story game and MMO." So far so unclear. And then: "As a player, you operate an advanced mining ship in an open world asteroid belt area. You dig kilometers of tunnels, harvest the ore, travel the solar system, fight your enemies and discover mysterious alien secrets." Which sounds kind of awesome. On closer inspection it seems to be the aberrant alchemical offspring of Descent, Minecraft, Eve Online, Dig Dug, and Red Faction. An open world game with beautiful, destructible space rocks. Yeah, it'll probably take a couple of videos of the thing in action to really get your head round it. Fortunately, they're beneath the click. Brilliant, eh?