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The Din Crowd: Din's Curse New Demo

News of Torchlight II reminds me that I meant to post about the new version of the Din's Curse demo that was released a week or so back. If you imagine a line whose two poles are labelled "Mainstream!" and "Indie!", then Diablo III would be off to the left, Torchlight would be near the middle while Din's Curse would be way over on the right. Well, there's rogue-likes past it, but it's still its own determined thing. Din's Curse does the single-player/co-op thing, dynamically generates both towns and dungeons and uses similar dynamic world tech to Soldak's previous Depths of Peril. Improvements are mainly in the UI, with a new perspective and shadow options, but if you haven't it's worth taking a trip down this unusual take on the genre's dungeon. And here's some old footage...

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