Do We Look Fat In This?
Well look here then. Shiny and new.
To celebrate our forty-fifth year of being online, we thought a redesign was in order. Gone is the mad explosion of cartoony boxes, and in is super-smartness like a new suit. No ties though please, we're smart-casual.
So, take a moment to get used to the new surroundings. Yes, we know, we all fear change. But clutch hold of the person near you, and soon enough you'll never believe it was any different.
Don't forget, there's still time to enter our epic Win A Hat Compo, where you could be the proud owner of a furry World In Conflict Cossack hat. We've had some remarkable secrets sent in already, some we're convinced break Official Secret Acts in several countries, but still want to hear yours. So get over to the compo page and start divulging.
Thanks the size of a spaceship to James Willock for his ridiculous amount of hard work getting the site looking not only spick, but also span. Everyone immediately hire him to design your site, but insist on paying double. And in the meantime, stare in wonder at our pretty.