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Documentary Shooting

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Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

You'll probably be aware of Super Columbine Massacre, RPG! and have an opinion on it. I certainly do, and have expanded it at length over at the Escapist a way back. That article is more in its defense, and I lobbed some of my - many - problems with it over at my personal blog at the same time. Its creator, Danny Ledonne, trying to make sense of the whole thing has been working on a documentary called Playing Columbine for a while now, and has lobbed a rough cut of a 13 minute section online.

It's worth watching.

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The story behind this release is also worth relating. He was actually urged to do so by a survivor of Dawson College Shooting. Joel Kornek mailed Ledonne after his game had been (wrongly) linked to Kimveer Gill's rampage, upset that he'd made the game. This prompted a lengthy correspondence about both Ledonne's motivation for making the game and the media's desire to use it as an easy scape-goat. Eventually, Kornek asked Ledonne if he could feature one section on Kornek's website, Kill Thinking. It's the segment that's been released. And, as i said before, it's worth watching.

As well as the low-res link above, you can download in a high-res Quick-Time format from here.

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